JuJitsu Grandmaster Leon Jay

It was our pleasure to photograph Jujitsu Grandmaster Professor Leon Jay at Bodies in Motion V. We were able to catch Prof. Jay just before flying to LA for an interview and cover shoot for Black Belt magazine. It isn’t every day you get to hang out with a guy who watched Bruce Lee train in his living room when he was a kid (Prof Jays’s father is Wally Jay, founder of Small Circle Jujitsu and an early teacher of Bruce Lee). During the shoot we photographed a range of Jujitsu techniques from dynamic throws to joint locks. After the shoot I asked Prof. Jay to demonstrate a few of his techniques on me, and I can certify they are painful and yes, very effective.

Prof. Leon Jay's Small Circle Jujitsu

Below are a few of his greatest hits (his poor student took a beating). Of course the real action is in his Jujitsu sequences coming soon to the Bodies in Motion library.

Leon Jay Black Belt magazine cover